Communication is keyCommunication is what makes us flourish. It helps us build businesses, connect with loved ones & work together
Certified professionalCertified EMCC Practitioner, ACT Coach and Social Styles Master
Find me on CoachFinder, the biggest coach platform in the Netherlands |
MentesMe PartnerHelping businesses with knowledge preservation and a mentally healthy work environment for employees
Discover how well you communicate through social stylesCommunication is at the center of all human interaction. It impacts how well we sell our products, how we connect with our loved ones, and how we work together with those around us.
Growth on this topic starts with a professional that can help you orient where you stand right now. You can't navigate to where you want to go if you don't know where you are. Schedule a quick call, or do the scan through the button below to see how well you communicate. |
"Every connection starts with Attention"
Learn how to solve any conflictIn the e-book "You know what you mean, but how do you make others do that too?" (currently only available in Dutch) you will read about the five most crucial reasons that block effective communication. The book is based on methods we have been using for over two decades with individual clients, big corporate companies, and in marketing & sales.
The e-book includes subjects like:
Eli van Lieshout ★★★★★ Super insightful. I found out how others see me vs how I see myself. This will help me improve my communication, be more self-aware and probably avoid many misunderstandings in the long run. Thanks a lot Rowen, the first session was amazing! Romy Wijers ★★★★★ Works professionally and communicates well! Jamie van Oeffel ★★★★★In the past six months, I have attended various coaching training sessions at MentesMe, where Rowen has provided me with significant insights into understanding different social styles and formulating clear goals. Additionally, I have learned how to apply this knowledge in practice. I have also learned a lot about myself as a person, enabling me to make great strides in my personal and professional development. I have found the training sessions with Rowen to be very positive. Rowen is very considerate, always open to the opinions and experiences of others, and is, of course, a great conversational partner! |
Jesse Swinkels ★★★★★ Some time ago, I had an extensive coaching session with Rowen. Gained new insights and made my goal tangible. Thanks to these insights, I have now made great strides. Thank you for this! I also did the social styles assessment, which again provided a lot of insights. The comparison between how I see myself and how others see me gives a unique picture of your own communication style. Definitely provided an eye opener. Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing what the future will bring in terms of insights. Inge Fassbender ★★★★★ I secretly found it quite scary to embark on this journey and had my reservations beforehand. Rowen, with his considerable talent, if I may say so, cut right through them. Not only by sharing interesting information about human behavior, but also by being himself and allowing you to be yourself. A professional with genuine interest in people, their motivations, and extensive knowledge of his field. Rowen truly takes the time for you as a person, offers insight into your own behavior and that of others, and knows how to train you in such a way that you can apply the learned knowledge at lightning speed in practice. With Rowen's help, I gained valuable insights into myself and others. Life lessons never to forget. Thank you! |
Craft your professional legacy with Work Talks A MentesMe Podcast unraveling and sharing the secrets to professional success. With over 30 years of psychological expertise, Gerard and his son Rowen guide you through work-related personal development, mentorship, and effective communication. Subscribe for a weekly dose of inspiration, expert insights, and practical tips to unleash your full professional potential. Available on YouTube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts |