How much does it impact your company?Within companies, communication is one of the most important soft-skills that any employee needs to master. It's also one of the most underrated soft-skills, as it's hard to tie it to the direct gain and measurable results. In the end though, projects take longer because of communication; teamwork fails, management can't activate team members, sales can't make sales, and with all that together: the company stagnates.
It is often also an overwhelming subject as it consists out of several categories: Self-awareness of the employees, understanding of contrasting social natures from others, and knowing how to adapt your behavior. There are ways to learn/develop this skill and even make it measurable in comparison to your success. You can start by doing the free test below to see how well you can already naturally adapt to different kinds of people. (This test is also available specifically for sales. Prefer the sales version? Contact [email protected]) 💡The more you know Research has shown that 56% of projects fail due to communication problems. Additionally, on average, employees spend 2,8 hours per week dealing with conflicts. This is 7% based on a 40-hour workweek. 9% based on a 32-hour workweek (Dutch average) |
Communicatie verbetering
There are multiple roads that lead to Rome, and the first step is always to look at where you stand right now.